
Choosing the Right Fee Structure for Your Consulting Services

As a consultant, how you structure your fees can have a big impact on your client relationships and your bottom line. Here's a breakdown of the most common fee structures to consider: Time and Materials/Hourly: This works well for well-defined, repetitive tasks where there's little chance of scope creep. The advantage is clear expectations upfront. However, it can create an adversarial relationship with clients who might question how their money is being spent. Retainer/Fixed Fee: This is ideal when the project scope is uncertain. Clients get access to your expertise for a set fee over a set period. The downside is "scope creep," where clients ask for more than originally agreed upon. Careful upfront scoping is crucial. Combination: This combines a lower hourly rate with a performance bonus or equity stake. This aligns your interests with the client's and incentivizes strong results. The key is to choose a structure that reflects the value you de

Free to Fee: A Real Estate Agent's Shift

There's a growing interest among real estate agents in shifting from a transaction-based model to a client consulting approach. The traditional process, involving needs assessment, finances, negotiations, and closing, can be stressful for both clients and agents. The Consultant's Mindset Client consulting is an alternative to explore. Instead of giving away expertise for free throughout a transaction, we can transform those services into tangible offerings with a clear fee. This means becoming a trusted advisor who uses specialized knowledge to improve a client's situation, not just close a deal. Being a consultant requires a different mindset. We need to see ourselves as partners working alongside our clients, always learning and eager to share that knowledge. Most importantly, we must be willing to take a stand, to put our expertise forward and guide our clients through potential challenges. Examples of My Consulting Services: Space Needs Analysis: One clie

From Transactions to Transformation: The Shift to Real Estate Consulting

  Thinking about a different approach to real estate beyond the traditional transaction model? We all know the process:  Needs assessment Financial analysis Negotiations Due diligence Closing Relocation  Instead of offering your expertise for free throughout a transaction, consider packaging those services into clear, fee-based consultations. This means transitioning to a role as a real estate consultant – a trusted advisor who provides specialized knowledge to truly empower your clients, not just close deals. Being a consultant requires a different mindset: We need to see ourselves as heroes for our clients, partners working on the same side of the table.  We are fountains of information, constantly learning and eager to share that knowledge.  We must be willing to take a stand, to put our expertise forward and guide our clients through potential challenges. For me, this shift to consulting wasn't just about business, it was about passion. I am inherently curious and love to

Navigating Entrepreneurship: A Personal Account

  Reflecting on my entrepreneurial journey with ExceedCE , I'm often asked, "What's one piece of advice you would give yourself if you were starting all over again?" It's a question that takes me back to the early days of this venture.     Starting anew, I would emphasize the importance of partnerships. Seeking collaborators and allies sooner rather than later would have been my strategic move. It's not a well-known aspect of our story, but ExceedCE began as a side project alongside our consulting, law, and brokerage practices. In hindsight, diving into partnerships earlier could have accelerated our growth, rather than juggling multiple responsibilities for a period.     As a firm believer in focus, I've come to realize the significance of concentrated attention for success. Focusing on ExceedCE full-time in the last two years has proven instrumental in its expansion. The journey from part-time to full-time commitment has undoubtedly shaped the traj

ExceedCE: Revolutionizing Real Estate Education

               ExceedCE is an online real estate continuing education platform with a little bit of a twist. Originating from a realization that real estate agents desired more than just mandatory courses, ExceedCE emerged as a beacon of personalized and enriching education.              ExceedCE has been up and running about four years. We've been full speed ahead for about the last year or so. Awhile back we sent a survey out to about a hundred thousand people. The responses we got said continuing education is necessary for us, but we'd really pay more and be more interested, if we learned something too. Therefore, as lifelong educators, learners, and real estate practitioners, my business partner and I decided that we would start a company that brought our personal experience to our education courses. That’s what makes ExceedCE different and is our value proposition.    We have a fun tagline and it was born out of the survey that we put out to our potential markets: Rene